Online Golf Instruction Alert

As most of my loyal blog followers have figured out over the years, I tend to shy away from offering much in the way of swing mechanics and technical golf instruction advice. And that’s a good thing, trust me on that.

But at the same time, like most avid golfers trying to become better players, I do value good golf instruction. And as a result – I don’t mind sharing bits and pieces of swing videos and online instruction segments when I feel they’re worth passing along to my readers here, especially when I find the information very helpful and easy to understand.

Earlier this year I started following a few guys on Facebook who run a golf academy here in the UK, and I’ve been extremely impressed with 1) the way they present their online lesson segments and 2) the clear and concise manner in which they address various swing flaws.

Piers Ward and Andy Proudman recently launched the Me And MyGolf academy on YouTube, and I think it’s worth passing along to those of you who might be interested in checking out some of their stuff. By the way – in no way am I affiliated with them. I just really enjoy the way they present the information and use the Social Media to connect with golfers to try to help them become better players, and as a courtesy to some of my readers here, I felt it worth sharing.